Tuesday, May 10, 2005

i can't remember the last time i was healthy and had energy. last night i freaked myself out considering the possibility that i may have an ulcer. this could be a total fabrication, and probably is, but weird things have been going on gastrointestinally lately.
additionally, allergies SUCK MY ASS! they are not as bad as they were in the fall, thank the lord, but they still suck. i am keeping puffs tissue company in the black, i swear.
i just yawned. seriously... i sleep for 8 or 9 hours every night, but i'm STILL tired every single day.
i'm just seriously unhealthy. i should go to a doctor, but i am super afraid of them. i'll just try to take my vitamins everyday. :)
i had a job interview for a summer job yesterday. i thought it went really well. the people were SO nice, i would love to work with them. and it would pay a ridiculous amount of money. i am desparately trying not to get my hopes up, but i can't help it. they said they would let me know within a few days. i keep rethinking the interview and overanalyzing everything i said. i was myself, but sometimes in interviews i think that can be a bad thing, as i tend to get irrelevant and rambly. it would be so nice to know that i got it and that i wouldn't have to worry about finding a job.
i desparately want this semester to be over. i have no idea how i am going to get this paper that's due tomorrow handed in on time. no idea.
i guess i should stop writing in here and go work on that.
oh! i decided that i wanted to take some sort of feminist theory class next semester, but there's no women's studies department at my school... so after some snooping i figured out that we're part of a graduate consortium on women's studies run by RADCLIFFE!!! and they are running a course in the fall on gender and globalization! i gotta get into that. that would be rad.


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